Running a business can be hectic, requiring you to constantly put out whatever fires pop up every day. The time-consuming nature of the job, however, is causing owners to overlook a key component of their long-term viability: succession planning.According to a CNBC...
Creative Solutions For Preventing And Resolving Legal Problems
Month: November 2019
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Mishandling an estate can cause problems during probate
When it comes time to settle a person's estate, the executor has a serious responsibility. If he or she makes any mistake during the probate process, it is possible for serious issues to result. Those issues could range from the executor being personally liable for...
Business owners understand the need of looking to the future
Once businesses get off the ground, the need for information and to stay on top of matters does not end there. Many Ohio business owners understand the importance of continual growth for their companies and looking toward the future. Remaining stagnant can cause a...